Saturday, October 17, 2015

Why It's So Hard For You To Find The Right Date - How To Develop Your Self Esteem

I found this post that receive 52 ups in agreement. "Rejected by your own kind" I don't care what color you are and I understand people that want to stay within their own race or date outside.

But please... examine your self worth which reflect your self esteem issues and why you are having a tough time finding someone, before deciding who is your own kind. I'm sorry but color is not enough to build a foundation of a good relationship on... I'm just saying. Soon I will show you how to turn this around.

Why Am I This Way? Learn What Makes You Different From Others

Have you ever looked at your partner, family, neighbor or even a random person on the street and wondered why they are so different? Do you ever wonder why some people have a short temper, or demanding and aggressive, while others are more easygoing relaxed and slow-paced. 

Do you ever look in the mirror and think, why am I like this?
If you answered NO to all these questions then what I’m going to tell you next is nothing for you, otherwise

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Relationship Advice For Men: 3 Relationship Killers You May Be Guilty Of

After talking to countless women and some personal experience, I realize that some men just don't have a clue to keeping their woman happy outside the bedroom and sometime inside the bedroom. They drop the ball from bad timing, lack of foreplay to hygiene issues. Of course this can go for women too, but I'm talking to the men for now.

I will not insult you by spending to much time on the obvious red flags but here we go... Red flags are the opposite of foreplay; when they exist, breakups, cheating and arguments are sure to follow. If you don't have a clue you may be wondering why your mate left, isn't in the mood or wonder why sex isn't the same.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

10 Things to Do to Save Your Marriage

You will find some things to do to save your marriage, when you realize one day that your marriage is really failing? How do you pull it back together when you and your mate don’t seem to even know each other anymore? 

Many marriages  lose its meaning when the children grow up or the bills and economics cause unreasonable pressure in the household.  If your marriage wasn’t important to you; you would not be reading this right now. But here you are…

If you want to make your marriage work you first want to be sure your mate is on the same page. It will take you both to fight and commit to growing closer together.

10 Things to Do to Saving Your Marriage

If you want to save your marriage you have to:

Friday, February 21, 2014

How to Find True Love - 3 Tips to Protecting True Love Before and After Nearly Divorcing or Breaking Up

I knew I found true love...

The warm breath on my neck as my man said good night in my ear was comforting and very satisfying to me. He thought I was asleep but was wrong. I just lied there enjoying him moving close to me as gentle as possible to avoid awakening me.

I turned around, embraced him and gave him a deep kiss on the mouth. I told him I loved him very much and couldn't be happier. We made passionate love than fell asleep.

3 Months Earlier...

Not but 3 months earlier we were at each others throats and heading toward breaking up. We over talked each other and argued everyday. We were fortunate to find a resource that taught us  how to understand and communicate with each other in a loving and respect way.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

How To Fix Your Relationship - 5 Tips to Fixing Your Relationship

The new year is here and many are ready to put their pride aside and work very hard to save or improve their relationship.Understanding that a system that works must be applied in all things to make it successful.

If this were not true, no businesses would ever profit with sometimes 1,000 different personalities working as one.

The right relationship advice will show you how to build, communicate and avoid common problems in a nonthreatening, loving and caring way. Arm yourself with the knowledge you need to make your relationship a long term success. Learn how to bring your relationship out of the slump it is in and get to the relationship you will enjoy forever.