Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How To Save Your Relationship And Win Back Love Before It's Too Late


Looking for relationship advice? Managing a relationship can be frustrating and exhausting. There are many challenges that can  put stress on any relationship. There is help for your here.

I used to fight with my fiancee all the time, I was wondering if getting married was a good idea. After months of fighting and disagreeing I  called everything off, than later changed my mind.

I love her so much and couldn't imagine myself with anybody else so it was causing pain to come to that conclusion. We broke up but I wanted us back together in a way that makes us  stronger and without us tearing each other apart. What happened next was....

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tips To Win Your Ex - What To Avoid

These tips to getting your ex back may seem obvious but they happen everyday. When we are upset we react from an emotional point of view. When you act from your emotions you can very quickly ruin all of your chances of ever getting your ex back.

 When we experience a breakup or seperation and become full of anger and anxiety we begin to do the craziest things to Win Your Ex Back! We become stalkers and probably said terrible things we could never take back. If you want to win your ex back you will first have to undo everything that happened before and after the breakup.But no worries I have seen people get back together after cheating and stealing. If you have the right words and commitment you can get your ex back.

5 Tips On Getting Your Ex BacK
What to Avoid!!
  1. Drunk Dialing/texting
  2. Yelling/profanity
  3. Stalking
  4. Unannounced show-ups
  5. False promises
As you can see this is not attractive at all and can undermine the whole relationship. Refrain from all of this activity and learn how to rekindle trust and by all means stay in control. If you remember these important tips to getting your ex back you may have a chance. You can Win Your Ex Back by first letting go and learning some relationship strategies that will open the doors to your lovers heart.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Relationship Tips To Get Rid Of A Boyfriend Or Girlfriend - What To Say

Sterling Silver and Stainless Steel Mizpah Medal, 20" and 24"

10 Tips To Getting Rid Of Your Boyfriend

  1. I could have done that myself. Making your man feel like a fool will not give him the insensitive to take further action to help out.
  2. Is that all you can afford. If you are not happy with your boyfriends finances you may not have to worry much longer. An unappreciative girlfriend will soon be an ex.