You must be honest with each other and wholeheartedly agreed to maintain your relationship regardless of distance. You will also understand that it will take a clear cut schedule to share thoughts and conversations on a regular schedule.
Most people in a long distance relationships are separated because of work, school, military or incarceration. This is no reason why a committed relationship should have problems. But many do such as finance and loneliness especially in the case of incarceration when a couple was not sufficiently prepared. Being apart can serve a great purpose and that is to satisfy the reason why you are separated in the first place. No matter why you are apart, there is a reason and it must be done.
It is unfair to make either partner feel guilty when they are helpless to comfort you from a distance. You are in a situation of extreme trust and consideration of each other and always show gratitude whenever you talk. Increasing the feeling of love and gratitude help forging a stronger relationship and union.
Making your spouse feel abandoned can be eliminated when you plan a way to stay connected you both can rely on. The worse thing you can do is not communicate on a regular basis. Staying connected will make you feel more secure and loved.