Saturday, February 20, 2010

Relationship Tips To Get Rid Of A Boyfriend Or Girlfriend - What To Say

Sterling Silver and Stainless Steel Mizpah Medal, 20" and 24"

10 Tips To Getting Rid Of Your Boyfriend

  1. I could have done that myself. Making your man feel like a fool will not give him the insensitive to take further action to help out.
  2. Is that all you can afford. If you are not happy with your boyfriends finances you may not have to worry much longer. An unappreciative girlfriend will soon be an ex.
  3. Are you getting fat? Making your boyfriend feel unattractive is a turnoff. A boyfriend wants to be seen as sexy if they are not neither will you.
  4. You call that real work? Under minding someone you want to date..How's that working out?
  5. You drive like my grandmother. A man that drives like they value yours and others life should be celebrated.
  6. Get away from me you stink! Brutally honesty when your sweet is being sweet just caused you a good time. Next time just jump in the shower with your lover.
  7. I wish you were more like my ex. Now that's just wrong! How would you feel if he said that to you???? Exactly!
  8. You call this food, clean, etc? This will absolutely drive your boyfriend crazy and make him wonder if anything he does makes you grateful for having him.
  9. Are you finished yet? Rushing your boyfriend while he is impressing you will make him stop!
  10. Stop Giving Up Sex
Now you know 10 Ways To Make Your Boyfriend feel under appreciated. If you have done any of the above and want your man or woman lover go seek some relationship help now or at least see how relationship help works.