Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Stop Listening to Your Girlfriends – Here’s What You Need to do to Get Him Back

Cuddling and talking with your man while enjoying free time is a far cry from a month ago when all you could do is cry about your breakup.

You listened to your friends advice that drove your man away and never knew what hit you. 

Discover how real relationship advice can help you avoid unnecessary drama and have your love attentively listening to your every words like a love sick puppy.

 You know your girlfriends have your back. But, when it comes to tactics to get your ex back, they just may be steering you in the wrong direction. 

As well being as your friends may be; they can be hurting your chances of relationship success.

Getting dumped by a man you still love is one of the most devastating things a girl can go through. When it’s all said and done, you have one thought on your mind – getting him back.

The feeling that we experience after a breakup is a good enough reason to invest in learning how to manage future relationship with ease. 

We are not taught  how to be in a relationship in school but we are taught how to conduct ourselves at dinner and job interviews. No wonder we have more breakups than jobs!

Why You Should Get Relationship Advice You Can Trust

  • Statistics show that there are more electronic breakups that ever before.
  • People without knowledge of relationship ethics end up repeating the same mistakes over and over again; repeating breakup cycles.
  • Learn how to communicate emotions.
  • Learn how to effectively resolve and avoid conflicts.
  • Enjoy pressure free relationship.

3 Step To Getting What You Want

1) Never let him see you coming. Your number one priority right now is to get him back. That means you have to dedicate yourself to the task. But, you have to do it in a way that doesn't look like you’re trying to get him back. Don’t show your hands because he’ll constantly be watching and waiting for you to make your move. 2) Show the world you've moved on. This includes your girlfriends. Smile. Go out and join the crowd. Fake it until you have everyone convinced that you truly have moved on. 3) Let him know you've got game. All the time that you’re trying to show everyone you've moved on, you need to invest in making yourself over from the inside out.

Get a makeover. Change your hair style. Learn to walk in those six-inch heels guys love so much. Become confident in your own skin. Once you've accomplished all this – then you let him see you coming and watch the fireworks as he takes in the new you. 

Why is this so Effective?

In relationships, you often begin to take each other for granted. The more you learn about each other, the fewer mysteries there are to uncover. You’re presenting him with a whole new you and many more mysteries to unlock. 

It’s a curious mystery he’s powerless to resist – especially if there ever were genuine feelings on his part. And your girlfriends? They should love you regardless of whether you take their advice or not.

How badly do you want to get your relationship back on track? Become confident with the knowledge to fix your broken relationship now. Learn more and leave your worries behind.