Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How To Save Your Marriage From Emotional Abuse - Fix a Marriage Now

It is possible to find out how to save your marriage and reunite as a couple before enough is enough.There's no surprise you are  here if your having  verbal abuse issues in your relationship and you don't understand how to fix your marriage. Growing apart happens gradually and takes great effort to reverse the adverse affects. 

If the abuse has become physical seek marriage counseling advise. However a verbally abusive relationship is as harmful and you still need help fast. There are some that think that they have to be verbally aggressive to have control in the relationship. However the fact that you don't know an healthier way to express your needs is what is pushing your family apart.

If you want to fix a marriage you have to learn how to calmly talk  as well as when to talk about issues where you can be heard and respected.

If you want to make your marriage work  be sure your mate is on the same page. It will take you both to fight and commit to saving your marriage. 

How To Tell If Your In A Mental or Verbal Abusive Relationship

If you are in a verbally abusive relationship you need to take action and get help today. Sometimes there is no way to fix a marriage if it is harmful. Rather you are the abuser or being abused. 
 and under control is not part of a healthy relationship. Are you abused? Are you abusing someone? Get help today, you can do it.
Warning Signs To Mental and Verbal Abuse:
  • Do you think you have to be in control?
  • Are you afraid of your spouse?
  • Do you have to know your spouses every move?
  • Wanting to see a person that you are suppose to love hurtingAre you being tracked when ever you apart from you spouse?
  • Do  you hurt your spouse physically?
  • Is your spouse physically hurting you?
  • Do you verbally disrespect your spouse?
  • Is your spouse verbally bashing/disrespecting you? 
  • Do you feel like you are abused are that your are a abuser?
Trying to stop verbal abuse in your relationship will take a third party to be effective. Fixing your marriage will take you to first acknowledge that there is a real problem before the abuse goes too far. 

Having to be in control of another person is a warning that you need help. Being afraid of a person is also a huge warning sign that must lead to drastic action as soon as possible.
Hopefully the situation above doesn't apply to you and all you need is to reconnect with your spouse. If that is the case read the suggestions below to help you get started today.  
National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-7233 (1-800-799-SAFE) TTY: 1-800-787-3224

10 Ways of How To Save Your Marriage From Growing Apart

1.  Make a joint commitment to fix your marriage with marriage counseling advice course or therapy. Making a serious effort to work on your relationship will make your spouse see how important the marriage really is.

2. Always call if you have to break a promise.

3. Never make promises you cannot keep.

4. Make scheduled times to listen and communicate feelings without being judgmental.

5. Make separate list of concerns, problems, and good points.

6. Using guilt as a tool is another way to end positive communication. Remember it’s about solutions.

7. Learn something new together or read the same books and talk about it later.

8.  You as a couple write a letter to each other about why your relationship is important and worth fighting for. This topic will renew the reasons you fell in love in the first place.

9. Most importantly get some marriage advice in person or online.

10. Just do it! Have an affair and date your spouse. Try new things and visit new places.

You will be surprised to find out your spouse had no clue about your feelings or the fact that you have been annoyed with their not so cute habits. Agree to never use blaming, accusing and accusations in your conversations. 

Remember saving a relationship takes work and effort. We were not handed down a book to prepare us for future relationships. We learned by trial and error. 

Learn on purpose how to build a stronger relationship and manage marriage conflicts effectively. Save your marriage with relationship advice now. Click the link and get more information to fix your marriage and possibly stop your divorce.